The spooky world of unsolved Quantum mechanics


                  Interpretation of quantum mechanics a unsolved mystery can you solve this???

                           How does the quantum description of reality, which includes elements such as the superposition of states and wave-function collapse or quantum decoherence, give rise to the reality we perceive? Another way of stating this is the measurement problem – what constitutes a "measurement" which causes the wave function to collapse into a definite state? Unlike classical physical processes, some quantum mechanical processes cannot be simultaneously "local", "causal" and "real", but it is not obvious which of these properties must be sacrificed or if an attempt to describe quantum mechanical processes in these senses is a category error that doesn't even make sense to talk about if one properly understands quantum mechanics.
    want to know more,check it here-
                                                    quantum mechanics
                                But in quantum computation we use a concept called qubits.There 0 and 1 can simultaneously present at the same bit confusing right?
                 I don't understand the  phenomena perfectly.If anyone know please share with us.


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